Thursday, December 16, 2010

10 Days to go!

It looks like everyone has figured out how to enter their miles and the system is working. 

-We've run 7,142 miles as a group
-The longest run of the group was a Marathon (26.2mi)
-The average person has ran 30.2 miles in 20 days
-2 people have already finished
-The average run is 4.57 miles

For those of you that don't know, to be on pace right now you should be at 67 miles.  To all that are at 67+, keep it up.  You're almost there.

To everyone about to hang it up (including myself), no more excuses.  Just remember it's not how fast you finish.

Make sure to post your pictures or send them to me and I'll post them to the site's flickr feed.  We'd love to see people braving the cold or eating a cheeseburger on the treadmill.  

See you at the finish line with a pack of ice...

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Latest Mileage Entry System

Step 1: Go To Master Sheet
Step 2: Enter in your miles into the "Enter Data" Tab of the spreadsheet (The bottom of the spreadsheet page)
Step 3: Your data should flow through to the locked Master File for all the calculations

*** Again, it'd be a good thing to keep your own miles written down in case the data is compromised again ***

Tracking Miles

This year it looks like we grew faster than expected, which is great news.  However, logging the miles in one source has proven to be quite a challenge.

After unlocking the sheet, the data was accidentally deleted in less than 25 minutes, which was the reason we tried the form entry method in the first place.

We're still trying to figure out a method to be able to do it this year, but for now just continue to log your miles on your own.

I'll post updates here on the blog if I have them.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Entering Miles

At this point, I've tried pretty much everything I can think of to make google docs run faster.  The last resort was to unlock the spreadsheet completely.  I will be splitting up the listing later in the week in hopes of in running faster when fewer people are logging their miles.  

TO ENTER MILES NOW, just proceed directly to the spreadsheet.  From there just input your mileage into the respective cell.  NO NEED TO USE THE GOOGLE FORM - as this was probably the slowest part of the process.  

I'm sure people will still have problems opening the google spreadsheet as it is apparently not made to have more than 50 users.  

Really sorry about all the failed attempts, but I promise we will have a better system next year.  

*** I'd highly recommend keeping your own miles written down at home just in case there is a compromise in the data as the spreadsheet is now unlocked ***

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Miles are not posting!

A lot of people have been reporting that submitting the miles is not working and opening the spreadsheet is taking a long time.  I don't think google docs are supposed to have this kind of traffic, but people have had better luck by waiting about a minute after submitting their miles to open the main spreadsheet.  Because it's on google's end, there's not much we can do to fix this.

To try and fix this, I've embedded the form and spreadsheet on separate tabs within the blog under the headings View Miles and Enter Miles.  If viewing and submitting still doesn't work using this method, feel free to let us know.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Jenny Challenge Eve

Actually, for a few of our fellow "mates" down under in Australia, it has already started.  Congrats to Leah leading the charge and logging her Thanksgiving Day miles from halfway around the world.  

For the rest of us in the states, the challenge starts in about 2 hours.  Some sound advice from some of the JC Veterans is to get out ahead of the "pace" (The pace is simply running at 3.23 miles per day).  Get out tomorrow before the feast and start the challenge strong, build your appetite and earn that very necessary Turkey Day nap.

Have fun and good luck!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Check the The Jenny Challenge facebook and Flickr page!

Join our Facebook group

Post Your Pictures to the Flickr Feed

Rules and FAQ

A quick rule recap

  • Run 100 miles between Thanksgiving day and Christmas Day
  • 31 days averaging 3.23 miles a day this year

How much does it cost?
The Challenge is Free!  Donations to The National Breast Cancer Foundation will be completely optional.  More details on how to donate will be posted soon.

If I run two times in one day, how should I enter in my miles?
If you run 2 times in one day, enter in the total mileage you ran for the day.  For example, if I ran 2 miles in the morning and 3 at night, I'd enter in 5 miles on the respective date.  If you already entered in 2 after the morning run, just enter the 5 mile total at night.  The spreadsheet will NOT add the 2 miles already entered and the 5 mile total to return 7 total miles.  It will always return the highest value that you enter in for a day without adding the previously submitted miles.  

Can I count walking or other forms of cardio?
We have said in the past that 10 minutes on other cardio machines (ellipticals, bikes, stairs, etc.) can count as 1 mile.  Remember though this is a "running challenge" and counting 80 miles on a bike and 20 running isn't the spirit of the challenge.

I walk a long way to work, can I count that?
If you are in your work clothes, it takes away from the challenge.  Also, don't wear a step counter and count distance walked in your office, to and from class, to the mailbox/TV/Fridge for a beer and back.  Be reasonable and a good rule of thumb would be that you have to be in work out clothes/shoes for the miles to count. 

How will someone know that I ran the miles I said I did?
Don't cheat or you will get DQ'd.  You will only be cheating yourself by entering in "fake" miles.
How can I know how far I ran I'm not using a treadmill?
  1. Drive the route in your car
  2. Use
  3. Use a GPS watch
  4. Download the free "Runkeeper" app on the iPhone
When are the exact times I have to finish?  I'm going to need every second.
Miles count from 12:00am 11/25/10 to 11:59pm 12/25/10.
What if I can't finish?
There's always next year
Does the Jenny Challenge have anything to do with Jenny Craig?
Haha, No.  Jenny Bastian, my sister, made up the Challenge about 10 years ago just for fun.  The motto is "It's not hard to do unless you miss a day.  Do it in one month or get out." 

Where do I donate/How much is it to participate?
For the first time, my sister is picking a foundation to donate to.  Donations will be optional and will go to The National Breast Cancer Foundation.  More details will be posted soon.

The Jenny Challenge is open to everyone for free, tell your friends!

Friday, November 12, 2010

How to Sign Up & Enter Mileage

Sign up for The Jenny Challenge:

Step 3: Enter Mileage
Step 4Get running!

Email Jenny Challenge Support if you have any questions!